Name of the institution
Museo Civico, Foggia (Italy)
Piazza Nigri 1, Foggia, Italy
Year of the project
Project coordinator(s)
Association of social promotion UtopikaMente
Duration of the project
Category of participants
pre-school (3 - 5/6 yrs)
from primary to middle school (5/6 - 12/13 yrs)
Number of participants
Fields of experience
Type(s) of experience
didactic activity/atelier
cultural institution (museum, theatre...)
Aims of the project (3 max)
  • Do a first simple reading of a work of art
  • Get to know an example of mythological narration (myth of Arion)
  • Develop dexterity and creativity
Basic knowledge
- Early knowledge of Greek mythology
- Knowledge of different artistic techniques (mosaic, sculpture)
Elaboration process
Participants have reproduced the dolphin figure by using clay
Each participant has produced their own artifact individually, with the constant support of the operator in case of difficulties. Individual creativity and the development of manual skills have been encouraged
During the visit, the group has been invited to collaborate in the observation of the works and in following the instructions of the operator. In the laboratory phase, the same participants have been invited to help each other in case of need
Use of different sensory channels
In the workshop the participants were required to manipulate and model unusual materials (if compared to those used in school) such as clay. Children were invited to use the senses to observe the characteristics of this material (e.g how is it like to the touch? Soft, smooth, moist, malleable...) according to the hands-on methodology
Use of the language (oral expression)
During the visit, the operator asked questions frequently as an input to encourage children to talk and to talk about themselves, in order to create links between the museum experience and their personal experience. They were also encouraged to ask themselves what they have observed and to learn how to describe it. A reflective and sharing process was started
Use of written artistic resources (graphic expression)
Participants have learnt to use an artistic technique (clay modeling) with which they could turn the suggestions collected during the visit into a personal artifact (learning by doing)
Narrative approach

The narrative dimension is privileged in every activity of the Association. The introduction to the artifact takes place always through narration, animated reading and observation of images, in order to catalyze the attention and encourage the emotional involvement of the participants. Especially with younger visitors, dramatization and reading are crucial to establish an empathic and trusting relationship with the educator. The narrative dimension involves also the observation and narration phase of the displayed objects, thanks to which children are introduced to the history of their territory

Playful approach
Especially with younger visitors, the playful approach turns out to be particularly successful because it catalyzes the attention of all participants. An example is the "detail-hunt" activity, in which the whole group is actively involved in searching for the details indicated by the operator. This activity involves the young participants in a careful observation of the details that characterize the objects, such as the material, the shape, the color, the similarity with other objects etc.
Therefore, the playful approach is an effective strategy that activates a spontaneous and long-lasting learning process. It also brings children closer to the museum and makes it a friendly place close to their world
Depending on the proposed workshop/activity, the operator makes the children dwell on some objects of the museum. In this phase, the contribution of the educator is crucial in stimulating children to ask questions, to observe details, to share reflections and to imagine meanings. He/She makes a first analysis of a work of art to reach a personal interpretation. The many opportunities to share impressions and opinions about the exhibits foster a more active participation and develops critical thinking
Soft skills
creative thinking
Brief description of the project
Starting from a fun “detail-hunt”, children look for images of dolphins depicted by men in ancient times as decorative elements. Through the narration by images and with the help of illustrated tables, the participants get to know the Greek myth of Arion – a character saved by dolphins - and discover the ancient link between men and this marine animal. During the laboratory, each participant build their own dolphin by using the clay
Description of the activity

Welcome and visit

Duration of the activity

About 30'

How to involve children/teachers/educators/artists

The operator checks the foreknowledge of the children by asking if they know what a museum is, if they have ever visited a museum and, according to them, what kind of objects is contained there. During the visit, the children are actively involved in a "detail-hunt". They are asked to look for the images of the dolphin among the other objects, with the support of the operator. During this activity, the children are invited to grasp the difference between the various techniques (mosaic, sculpture, fresco)

Description of the activity

Narration of the myth

Duration of the activity

About 30'

How to involve children/teachers/educators/artists

In this phase, the children are asked to listen, thanks to the animated reading of the myth of Arion and the help of illustrated tables. The story of the myth captures the attention of the children, who are emotionally involved in the story of the main character. This makes them internalize the visit and what they have learned

Description of the activity

Creation of a personal artifact by using the clay

Duration of the activity

About an hour

How to involve children/teachers/educators/artists

The operator teaches how to model the clay correctly, so that the participants can work autonomously on their artifact with the constant supervision and support of the operator. He/she facilitates the children process of knowledge without replacing them

Results of the project (3 max)
Learn different artistic techniques;
Get to know the museum as a friendly place and as a protector of the history of its territory
Continuity of the project over the years

Plastic modeling

Materials used


Artifacts produced

A clay prototype to be shown as an example and an illustrated table showing the myth of Arion

