Identification Plan
Name of the institution
laSala. Creation Center of Arts for Families, Barcelona (Spain)
Ronda Roureda, 24 08207 Sabadell (Barcelona), Spain
Official e.mail address
Web Site
Year of the project
Project coordinator(s)
Isabel Urpí
Partnerships with other institutions
Ajuntament de Sabadell, Dybwikdans, Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona (UAB) and University of Stavanger (UiS)
Duration of the project
Category of participants
toddler (0-3 yrs)
teachers, professionals, educators
Number of participants
Fields of experience
Type(s) of experience
performance (theatre, dance, storytelling...)
cultural institution (museum, theatre...)
Aims of the project (3 max)
- Create creative spaces to live the adult-child encounter in a relationship plan between equals
- Recognize art as a universal human quality. Discover the artistic potential of everyone as a human being from their authenticity and be inspired by the existing artistic world
- Deepen in the adult-child relationship (teacher, student, family) through artistic languages
Pedagogical Plan
Intellectual/Cognitive Aspects
Basic knowledge
Communication, collaboration, artistic language and peer learning.
Elaboration process
Participants have seen the show in an environment of an open artistic encounter between artists, teachers, parents and students
Socio-relational Aspects
Each participant is free to feel and see the show in its own way and rhythm
All the participants together have created the artistic encounter through the show Bluebird
Aesthetic/emotional/linguistic Aspects
Use of different sensory channels
During the show all the participants can feel the emotions through the music, the voice and the scenography of the show and feel free to use them. The scenery is specially designed for the interaction between the participants and the creation of a dialogue between the artists and the audience. Through textures, colors, shapes and paper elements
Use of the body
The show is performed by three artists that use their bodies to dance and move but also to invite all the participants to use it too. The students, the families and the teachers are free to join the artists and move their bodies
Use of the language (oral expression)
The performance has no text but there is a special use of the artists voices in order to connect all the participants in a deep way to move and emotion them
Methodological plan
Performative approach
Bluebird is an immersive show in which the public is situated inside the action. This fact facilitates the creation of connections between the participants as well as create an open, free artistic encounter space
Playful approach
The game is a fundamental part of learning and as such is a fundamental axis in the construction of
the show that proposes a space to play, without prejudice or limits
the show that proposes a space to play, without prejudice or limits
Soft skills
creative thinking
Brief description of the project
The Bluebird artistic encounter project is based on the creation of a shared artistic space between artists, teachers, students and families and where they can all live a quality artistic experience together. In addition, the project promotes inclusivity since the families participating in the project are families that live in neighborhoods with a high rate of risk of social exclusion
Stages of the Project
Initial phase
Description of the activity
Welcome from the artistic team of laSala and the company Dybwikdans
Duration of the activity
How to involve children/teachers/educators/artists
They are welcomed to the space and given brief recommendations to enjoy the artistic experience to the fullest
Intermediate phase
Description of the activity
Performance Bluebird
Duration of the activity
How to involve children/teachers/educators/artists
Open artistic encounter
Final phase
Description of the activity
Free time to play and stay in the space
Duration of the activity
How to involve children/teachers/educators/artists
Artists invite teachers, children and families to join them
Results of the project (3 max)
- Discovery of quality artistic experiences with family and shared with teachers
- Creation of relationships between children and adults in a space of freedom, creative and aesthetic
- Use of new artistic languages to communicate
- Creation of relationships between children and adults in a space of freedom, creative and aesthetic
- Use of new artistic languages to communicate
Continuity of the project over the years
Dance and voice