
The Evolution of Bologna

This video is meant to show how the city of Bologna has changed along the centuries.

"Museum as a space of discovery of culture and innovation

Museum as a space for rebirth"

This Sala Bianca is intended to retrace the history and the evolution of the ancient city of Bologna, whose history dates back to the IX century B.C. In particular, it focuses on five main elements that all along these centuries have gone through interesting changes: the city’s towers, the porticoes, the University, S. Petronio church and the city map.

Starting from its topography and proceeding through some structural shifts, such as the development of porticoes and the destruction of many towers, it will be possible to trace a path of the evolution of the expansion of this city center.

The main goal is to guide the visitors to relate to the past and to get an idea of people’s mentality in that time in contrast with our every-day life.

Web references

Mura di Bologna. In Wikipedia. Retrieved December 27, 2021, from https://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mura_di_Bologna 

Giurato, F., (2017). Bologna, nell'università più antica. La Stampa. Retrieved December  27, 2021, from https://www.lastampa.it/viaggi/italia/2017/11/13/news/bologna-nell-universita-piu-antica-1.34384494 

Turismo Emilia Romagna. Arte & Cultura. EmiliaRomagnaTurismo. Retrieved December 27, 2021, from https://emiliaromagnaturismo.it/it/arte-cultura#utm_source=cittarte&utm_medium=redirect 

Basilica di San Petronio. ARDUINO DEGLI ARRIGUZZI. Non tutti sanno che. Retrieved December 27, 2021, from https://www.basilicadisanpetronio.org/basilica/non-tutti-sanno-che/arduino-degli-arriguzzi/ 

Italiaonline.  CURIOSITÀ: Ecco come sono nati i portici a Bologna. In Italia Magazine. Retrieved December 27, 2021, from https://initalia.virgilio.it/ecco-come-sono-nati-i-portici-a-bologna-15136



Author (s)
Elena Getici,
Mattia Mazzini,
Carolina Querzola,
Chiara Zanoli.